Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

最美麗的第七天 - 抱著空氣

談情時太美妙  但是已經告別了
痛愛每天困擾  是沒法可預料

愛上你太奧妙  為甚要開這玩笑
看痛苦的破曉  伴著我的合照

*曾快樂曾相戀 曾擁抱吻著你
  曾吵架曾生氣  如今一一記起
   如果心仍不死  容許我 掛念你
   明知道迷戀你  而可惜沒法擺脫別離  抱著空氣

說再見那暗示  現實要捨棄情意
但是我想你知  事實我很在意

Love is so wonderful, but has bid farewell to the time
Love is pain everyday problems can not be expected

Why fall in love with you too subtle to be opening this joke
I see pain accompanied by a photo of dawn

*Was happy hug kiss you once fell in love once
  Now one by one has to remember angry quarrel had
  If the heart is still not allow me to miss you die
  Unfortunately, knowing a crush on you but can not hold the air out of parting

Say goodbye to abandon the real affection that implies
But I want you to know I am very concerned about the fact that

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